apply & faq

Gather is always accepting Artist Submissions. If you are interested in submitting your work to be considered, please fill out our submission form (<— link is right there) completely.

Please DO NOT come into the shoppe
(with/without your work in hand)
looking to apply.

Oftentimes a single person is manning the store and we cannot adequately talk with you about your work and run the store the way we need to. So please, fill out the online form, and we will get back with you withing 6-9 wks.  Not only this, but this is a great way for us to have all of the necessary information in one place.

To keep in touch, please subscribe to our mailing list for updates about events and other ventures and join us on Facebook.

Basic Overview

Gather is a full time handmade shoppe focusing on independently designed and modern handmade goods made in the U.S.A.


What is Gather?

Gather :handmade shoppe & Co.: is a retail gift shop located in the historic Redman Building at 116 N. Walnut on the east side of the square in Bloomington. We showcase emerging and independent handmade goods. We sell the independent work of more than 400 artists, crafters, and makers from the Midwest and beyond. The work represented in the store ranges from handmade and handcrafted jewelry to bath and body, kids’ toys and clothing to woodworking, illustration, knitted and crocheted work and much much more. Also offered in the space are workshops and classes to help create and foster our artistic community

Gather is about creating a community around art and the process of art — supporting the makers that create, and illustrating that creation.

Where is Gather located?

116 N. Walnut St    Bloomington, IN   47404

How can I be a vendor?

Fill out the submission form.

Why is Gather juried, and how do you decide who is included?

Gather is juried because of limited space, time and to ensure a diverse product mix.  We want to showcase the best handmade art and fine craft to be had in the space we are offered. We consider all applications based solely on the website you provide in your application.

“But, I don’t have a website,” you might say. Well, if that’s the case, you are simply not ready to sell in our store. We are in the business of art, and with that business comes having a web presence in this day and age. There are SOO many outlets out there for you to learn how to set up your own website, we believe in you, so should you!

When and how will I know if my application was accepted?

Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis, generally every 6-9 weeks. Feel free to shoot us an email if you feel like we’ve taken an exorbitant amount of time getting back to you. We will not likely contact you if we don’t feel like you’re a good fit at the time – the reason for this is that our style and our stock is always changing, so while you might not be a good fit now, you very well might be in the future.

Why was I not accepted?

 We strive to have a wide variety represented in the shop. While we cannot give you personal explanations as to why your application was denied, here are a few possible reasons:
  • Exclusivity – we are requesting that each of our artists remain exclusive to Gather within Bloomington, IN
  • Lack of consistency in work
  • Use of mass-produced materials and/or types of art that just aren’t our vibe i.e – beaders
  • Aesthetics. We want to create a certain vibe of indie craft meets modern art. If you want to get a good idea of what we ‘like’, check out our past vendors.
  • Category influx. Some categories are more popular than others: jewelry and soap for instance are highly populated.

If you have any concerns or questions about our application, please feel free to email us!
If you’re not accepted, don’t be discouraged! Your work and our aesthetic will continue to grow and change. If you happen to create a new line 6 months down the line, feel free to submit again.

 Still have questions?

Email us at